Andrea Tripke Illustration

Illustrations, Graphic Designs, Relief Prints, Fine Art

Andrea Tripke Illustration

“Party” relief print (linocut)


party.blogMy “Party” relief print is printed on “fawn” colored stonehenge paper and manually worked on with white colored pencil. It’s about 11×17 in size (printed area).

Before I started printing on a natural colored paper and to add some line work I tried different versions:

party.1.try.blogThis was my first try and it did not look at all the way I wanted it to. I placed white mulberry paper “behind” each cage. In order to keep it in place I used spray adhesive during the printing process which probably wasn’t my best idea because it was all over the place. As soon as I got it on my hands printing  just got messy. It was a good experience even though it was really frustrating too. I probably will never use again spray adhesive for this kind of work!

My next test print was done on yellow colored mango paper:

party.2.try.blogAgain – not what I expected it to look like. There was way too much going on with the pattern of the paper and all the detailed cages. The birds were hardly visible and the yellow didn’t do anything for the print at all.

That’s when I started printing on natural colored paper. The result was o.k but somehow boring. It needed something added without making it too busy. I tried the white colored pencil and liked it right away. Framed with white and black mat board helps to accentuate the white line work.
