Andrea Tripke Illustration

Illustrations, Graphic Designs, Relief Prints, Fine Art

Andrea Tripke Illustration

Fly me to the Moon


This illustration is done in mixed media (acrylics, oil colors and prisma colors) on cold pressed illustration board.

Not to long ago my family and I went to the Kennedy Space Center. I was really impressed by the full sized rockets and knew right away I wanted them in a painting. It took me awhile to figure out what to add to the image to give it a little twist:  Someone who’s flying it to the moon!

Below are some photos of the painting in progress. The picture to the left shows some prisma color rendering with a layer of acrylic wash. The picture to the right shows the image after adding an oil color wash.

Fly me to the Moon in progress by Andrea TripkeFly me to the Moon in progress by Andrea Tripke
