Andrea Tripke Illustration

Illustrations, Graphic Designs, Relief Prints, Fine Art

Andrea Tripke Illustration

Category: Blog

“Fairies and Ballerinas”

I haven’t posted any illustrations lately and that’s not because I haven’t been working on some but I guess it slipped my mind to post them. Here are two more illustrations: “FAIRIES” “BALLERINAS” As promised a lot more pink!

The Princess & The Pea

Currently I am working on a series of new illustrations for little children. I guess “think pink” describes pretty much the direction I am taking with this project. This illustration is the first  of whimsical little paintings in pastell colors showing princesses, ballerinas, teddy bears and such…whatever a little child might like. The illustration is

Mobile, Alabama

Another project I have started is a painting of the Mobile Bay, Alabama. The finished illustration will be posted soon. It is based on this sketch.
